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Movie Night – The Fall Guy.

Welcome back everyone!!!

Today we have another short story and an outfit to go along with it.

Let’s begin…

He stood outside her apartment door, smiling and admiring her latest door decor: A mini Astronaut on the moon.

He lifted his fisted hand and rapped his knuckles across the door, patiently waiting for her to open it.

To everyone who saw him that night, they would’ve thought that he was going on a date, since he held a bunch of flowers in his hands.

Unfortunately for him, she was just his friend.

For now.

Even though his AirPods were in his ear, there was no music playing, and so he heard her approaching from the other side of the doors by the sound of her rapid footsteps.

It upset him for many reasons. One of them being, if an intruder were trying to figure out whether someone was home or not, they would hear her whenever she approached the door. This deeply concerned him.

He hated the thoughts that came to his head whenever he remembered this. The harm that could possibly befall onto her.

Even though it was almost impossible with all the security the building has, he didn’t like it one bit.

She quickly swung open the door, a grin pasted on her face, quickly catching her breath since it seemed that she ran to the door.

He felt his heart race off, thumping loudly in his chest cavity.

“Hiii there…”she rung out in that sexy, exotic voice of hers.

She watched that handsome face transform into a grin, as his lips formed the words, “Hi sweetheart.”

Good God. Calm down woman.

She needed to stop behaving like a schoolgirl with a crazy crush, even if at heart she actually was one.

She saw him bring flowers into her view and she felt her breath leave her even more.

Good thing she remembered to take her anxiety meds that day, because with the way her heart and body wanted to react, they would be in an emergency room rather than the movie theatre.

He brought her a bouquet of Lillies today. One of her favorite flowers. And she almost felt her eyes tear up.

“Oh my God, you didn’t have to. But thank you.” she breathily told him, lifting up onto her toes to give him a kiss on his cheek.

She immediately felt the blush that ran through her entire body and once she was back down on her feet, she quickly turned to let him in.

She speedily but slipperily walked to the kitchen to fill a vase with water so she can put the flowers in there.

Well Heaven and Earth almost couldn’t have helped him.

His heart couldn’t seem to contain the love he felt for her tonight.

Her face shone of innocence and adoration, like he was her comfort, and nothing that night could make him feel more like a man. The way she made him feel.

She wore those jeans that made him want to keep her at home, and a simple tank top for now.

This is how he envisioned his future: him bringing gifts for her at their house, and in return, he got the best gift of them all, her happiness.

A life with her is his future.

As he made his way into her cozy apartment, he followed her to the kitchen area. Simply because he wanted to keep his eyes on her for as long as possible.

He noticed she was sliding as she quickly walked, which made him look down at her feet and pause.

Laughter immediately bursted out of him.

“What the f*** is that on your feet sweetheart?”

She rolled her eyes in expected annoyance.

She knew that he would laugh when he saw it.

She knew, that the moment that sexy laughter of his bursted out from his chest, that he saw what she had on her feet.

She could only bet that he added that “sweetheart” at the end of his sentence to lessen the blow of amusement at her expense.

Adorned on her feet were socks.

Not any ordinary socks as one can imagine.

No. They were supposed to be “No Show Socks” for ballet flats.

The moment she placed those socks on her feet she couldn’t help but cringe and burst out laughing at their horrific look.

It made her feet look like it belonged to a senior citizen.

It truly was a funny sight so she couldn’t even blame him.

The only reason she bought those socks were to help prevent her feet from too many blisters since she decided to break in her new Louboutin Sweet Jane’s today.

It was perfect since her feet will be in the shoes for a few hours, but she will be seated for most of the time.

Breaking in new shoes were always painful and resulted in horrendous blisters so she decided to try a new technique tonight.

She turned to him prepared to explain, trying her best to ignore the way those teal eyes lit up in laughter and his pearly white teeth glistened in the lights.

She couldn’t help but laugh along with him as he heaved with laughter. “Stop bullying me! I bought these to help me break in my new shoes. I’m hoping that they will help prevent blisters. But it’s so ugly.” she cried out.

He held onto the back of her sofa as he tried to catch his breath from the laughter, but as he lifted his upper half and looked at her, he was bent over once again in pure laughter.

She lifted her eyes towards the ceiling praying for patience, and laughed as she walked the remainder of the way towards the kitchen.

“Oh sweetheart those are absolutely horrendous,” he continued to laugh behind her.

“I knoww.” she replied wearily and jokingly.

“But I wouldn’t judge you. I won’t want those feet of yours hurting.” he tried to console her.

“Uh huh. Thanks for your input.” she fake-pouted as his face still shone with that smile at her expense.

He walked closer to her, and reached those sexy, veined hands of his out towards her, capturing her arms. He looked down at her and as she met his eyes, all trace of laughter was gone, and the emotions that twinkled in his eyes almost made her faint.

“You make anything look good Princess. Don’t you worry. I might be biased but you are the most gorgeous woman in this universe.” he said in that specific serious tone of his that he rarely uses.


She died after that.

Seriously. What else is a girl supposed to do? How else is she supposed to react? When the hottest man she ever encountered, told her that she was the most gorgeous woman?

“Only in this universe?” she teased him, “So I guess there are more gorgeous women in all the other universes?”

“No!” he sternly said, which once again shocked her, “You are the MOST GORGEOUS being to ever exist. You shine brighter than any Quasar. Your eyes alone hold more beauty and magic than any Nebula. YOU are more beautiful than even the Pillars of Creation. YOU. ARE. BEAUTY. YOU. ARE. PERFECTION.”

Ahhh bloody hell.

What did he just do?

He might as well have just told her that he loved her?

Seriously, where does his discipline go when he’s around this woman?

He watched her face, with fear and anticipation. Looking to see how she would react.

It seemed that he left her speechless and he doesn’t blame her.

He rendered himself speechless too.

He watched her eyes accept the words, he saw her deep breaths cause her chest to heave, and he saw those sexy, red stained lips of hers try to form words.

She looked like she was about to faint.

He hoped she felt the same way he felt. That weightless feeling that is worse than when he did his NASA training.

He felt like his life depended on her response.

It looked like she was about to drop the flowers and fall to the floor, and instantly his instincts to protect her shot in.

He grabbed the flowers in one hand, and wrapped his arm around her waist, turning her towards the sink.

Distractions. He desperately needed to create them.

“Hurry up woman! We’re going to be late for the movie.” he joked with her and he unwrapped the bunch.


No rest…

No sleep…



Pillars of? ….creation?

She couldn’t catch her breath. She wasn’t breathing. Was she breathing?

Oh God.

Oh God.

Was she going to have a panic attack?

No!!! No!!! He didn’t mean it like that.

“Calm down you idiot” she told herself.

He didn’t mean it like that.

Oh God.

Did he love her too?

Did he feel the same way about her? As she did him?

Oh God.

There was NO WAY she was going to get any rest or any sleep tonight.

No!! She was going to be up all night thinking about those words.

Oh how she wished that she recorded everything he said.

She should write it down.


She should do that.

She turned to get a pen and paper to write down those words.

“Wait. Where are you going?” he asked her.

She turned to him trying to keep her facial expressions neutrally cherry, “Oh, I’m going to get a vase for the flowers.”

And she raced out of there before he could question her.

She was never more thankful for having a one bedroom in this moment as she rushed to her room and closed the door.

Firstly, she started writing down those precious words on her notepad atop her nightstand.

When she finished, she sank to the rug and allowed herself to blush and have a freak-out session.

Silently screaming and grinning like an absolute idiot.

She spent a few minutes in there, and she decided she was taking too long, so she walked back out to meet him in the kitchen.

He couldn’t even begin to imagine what was running through her head but he wasn’t going to think about it right now.

He’ll save those thoughts for later at night.

He heard her approaching the kitchen and turned to look at her.

Her cheeks were pink, and her chest and neck had a similar shade. She looked like she just had a workout session at the gym.

“Did you find another vase?” he asked her.

“Another?” she sounded slightly puzzled.

“No, I didn’t find any in my room….ohhhh…..that’s where it is.” she said as her eyes caught onto the vase near the sink.

She clearly forgot about the flowers and vase after he told her those words. Christ. He wasn’t going to think about it yet.

Not yet.

He decided to let her slip up go, and asked her to help him with the flowers since he honestly had no idea what to do.

She huffed and sexily made her way toward him, pushing him to the side, as she took over the floral arrangement.

“You know you’re absolutely useless sometimes?” she teased him.

“Come on sweetheart, I’m not that bad.” he teased her right back.

“If you say so…” she replied.

He couldn’t help but chuckle at her response and stood back as he observed her skillful hands carefully and beautifully arrange the flowers into the vase.

“Okay are you ready now?” she asked him as she placed the floral arrangement on the center table.

“Ready when you are Princess.” he replied, and she rushed into her room to grab her earrings and ring that was on her dressing table.

She moved towards her closet to grab her jacket and shiny new shoes, while he patiently sat on one of her dinning table chairs.

They moved towards the doorway, and sat on the bench to put on their shoes, but before she placed her feet in the Sweet Janes, she removed the ugly socks from her feet, and then slipped them in.

He noticed that action and bursted out with a laugh asking, “Why aren’t you wearing them?”

“Because of your bullying. When my feet hurt later tonight, YOU will be the one who has to massage them.” she replied.

He laughed his response, “Your wish is my command. You are the Princess. I am but your humble servant sweetheart.”

She rolled her eyes at his exaggerations (For the readers: only they were not exaggerations on his part *wink*), “Idiot.”

“My heart Princess! My heart! Have mercy on me. Please.” he continued with his theatrics, clutching his chest in the process.

“Do you want to see the movie tonight or not?” she asked him. She was all complete buckling in her shoes, jacket on, purse with keys, wallet and other essentials, ready to get to the theatre. And he was still sitting there with his shoelaces untied.

“I apologize my sweetheart. Forgive me.” he responded and quickly made work of his laces,

He then stood, and that 6’5 body of his, that made her feel small, towered over her as he moved to open the door.

He held it open for her and then they proceeded down the elevator, out of the building, and into his waiting car.

They slid into the backseat of the SUV and observed the stellar views one can only afford in Manhattan, as his driver took them to the best cinema in New York: AMC Lincoln Sq.

He extended his arm outwards for her to hold onto as they walked all through the cinema, past the security, and into the lines to buy popcorn.

They ordered their usual: One Large Popcorn, 1 Large Drink, 1 Smart Water, and 1 Pack of M&Ms.

He held the 3 items and she went to the dispenser to fill the cup with a mixture of slushy Coca-cola and then regular Coca-cola.

Everyone who saw them, would think that they were a couple and not just best friends with the way they carried about themselves.

They were fully synchronous and he enjoyed it too much.

She walked back to him, with a sneaky grin on her face for her accomplishment and his heart thumped while he smiled in return.

“Ready?” he asked her quietly, to ensure she didn’t hear how gravel his voice was.

She nodded in agreement and they walked towards the theatre screen, to look at the anniversary screening of one of their favorite movies: THE FALL GUY.

Before she even heard “I was made for loving you baby…” she immediately started humming to the song.

She heard his snicker and she looked at him narrowing her eyes and then resuming her hum.

He reached his arm over the back of her seat, and his fingers dangled over her shoulder.

She stopped humming for a small moment, but then resumed as if everything was normal.

She always felt guilty whenever she persuaded him to come to the cinema and they ended up in the theatre with tiny seats. With his 6’5 frame, with broad shoulders and drool-worthy thunder thighs, he consumed the theatre seats each time, which she was sure was uncomfortable for him. But he never once complained.

She knew that if the theatre was almost entirely empty that he would have started whistling the tune with her humming.

They shared the popcorn, but sometimes he would randomly sprinkle in some of the M&Ms and eat both together. It was absolutely atrocious.

She could never understand how he can eat junk food like that, and maintain that perfect figure of his.

Yes he worked out almost every day, and did have a healthy diet most times, he never smoked nor drank alcohol. But the guy never said no to junk food.

She too worked out, ate healthy, never drank nor smoked, but if she said yes too many times to the junk food, she will most certainly lose all progress she made.

He really was one of God’s favorite specimen.

He shoveled another handful of popcorn into his mouth while she sipped her Coca-cola slushy mixture, and when she finished, he gestured at her to give him the drink.

She lifted it up to his lips.

She really knew how to kill him.

Those red painted lips left their marks on the straw, and now she lifted the cups to his lips for him to drink from it?

Sure. It was normal. But it had the same effect on him every time it happened.

She took care of him with so much gentleness sometimes he felt like he could say f*** it to everything and just grab her face and kiss her right there and then.

Once he downed some of the drink, he tried to refocus on the movie, and to make himself comfortable, he shifted his chin on top of her head.

She never complained anytime they watched movies or sat together, so he continued to caress her in those manners.

Being so close he could smell the hints of her cherry perfume, and the smell of oranges from her hair. Scents that made his mouth water whenever they hit his olfactory system.

She shifted and slightly snuggled her frame into his and his heart was content. His day was made.

She always felt comfortable in his embrace. Like he was her big, bad protector. Keeping her safe from all harm and danger.

This man had a body of rock with all his muscles, and yet he was the most comfortable rock.

They continued sitting in that manner for the remainder of the movie.

On their way back to her apartment, they sang the same song: “I was made for loving you baby” all the way home.

And neither one of them acknowledged the truth behind the words they sang.

She opened the door to her apartment and he started getting excited. Dinner was next and she had prepared his favorite: Skillet Roasted Rosemary Chicken with Oven-Baked Garlic Potatoes.

He continues to argue that it is the BEST meal that she makes.

As they prepared the food for supper and sat at the dinning table to eat, they engaged in discussions about what new movie they can see at the cinema. They even engaged in some discussion about their working thesis. Naturally.

He always felt at ease when they did these simple things. Even more so, he always felt at home, no matter where it was, once she was there with him.

“You’re staying here tonight right?” she asked him.

They had made plans in earlier discussions about possibly having a sleepover that night where they would look at more movies at her home.

He always had a duffle bag of his items at her place. He didn’t even want to get into what significance that held for both parties just yet.

“You want to throw me out?” he asked her teasingly.

“You know what? Keep it up, and maybe I won’t even allow you to sleep on the sofa bed. You’ll camp out on the floor instead.” she stared at him.

He really couldn’t help his love for her. He laughed as he enjoyed her fire.

They cleaned up the dishes and then one by one, they showered and changed into pajamas for the remainder of the movie night.

He was sitting on the opened sofa bed, scrolling through movies and trying to decide on one, when she plopped down next to him, and raised her feet on top of his legs.

He stopped everything he was doing.

She really was psychotic.


Where she got the audacity? No one knew.

“Well? Are you going to massage my feet?” she dared to question.

His hands immediately went to work on massaging them and she felt slightly guilty.

“I’m sorry…” she drawled out, making him look up at her, “my feet just hurt so much.”

He warmly smiled at her and said, “Sweetheart, didn’t I say I am at your service? You simply need to order me? But now you’ll need to find a movie for us to watch since my hands are occupied.”

She made her smile extra wide as she once again, lost her ever loving mind, reached over to kiss him on his cheek, gently saying, “Thank you.” And grabbed the remote on the way.

He simply hummed in response and they both focused their attention on the television.

After 5 minutes of searching and debating which movies they would like to watch, they finally settled on one.

They continued watching another movie, until they eventually fell asleep there, entangled around one another.

“I was made for loving you baby…” was the song that inspired me to write this story about these two lovebirds.

How we all but die to see a Hero completely enamored with his lady.

Hopefully we shall see these two in another story soon.

Now let’s delve into the outfit inspo for out story today:

The jeans he can’t take his eyes off.

JOE’S JEANS – The Mia High Rise Wide Leg Jeans – Exhale

A simple top for a movie night.

GIVENCHY – Logo Tank Top

A jacket perfect for the theaters and for the movie THE FALL GUY

BRUNELLO CUCINELLI – Nappa Leather Biker Jacket Con Shiny Details

The shoes once again starring as a means for the heroine to ask the hero for help. This time via a foot massage.

CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN – Sweet Jane Patent Red Sole Ballerina Flats

A watch that is simple and elegant. Sporty yet academic.

CHANEL – J12 Watch Caliber 12.2, 33 mm

A bag in a dark shade of cocoa, large and lightweight enough to be comfortable.

TOTEME – Belted Tote Bag in Suede – Espresso

Pearl earrings to perfectly complement the outfit by adding a classy nature.

MIKIMOTO – Petit Soleil 18K White Gold Cultured Akoya Pearl & 0.25 TCW Diamond Drop Earrings

The gem of it all. We needed to sneak in a piece of jewelry that signifies something related to the hero. Here we have ring that resembles the eyes of “The Man with teal colored eyes.”

BAYCO – Black Gold Ring with Sapphire and Diamonds

And there you all have it, an outfit fit for a romantic movie night out.

Thank you all for reading this and reaching this far.

Please let me know if you enjoy these stories.

I will see you all again soon.

With LOTS AND LOTS of love,

Your Friend from New York,

Manhattan Girl🗽💋


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🗽Manhattan Girl Magazine🗽

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