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Disney Cruise – Day at Sea.

Welcome back everyone,

Today we’re imaginarily traveling aboard the Wish Disney Cruise.

Now let’s begin…

There she was, in a marble tub, soaking most gracefully. Over wild uncharted waters. Until he found her again, in a marble tub, with bubbled top, there’s no right or wrong when she sings in high keys, over wild uncharted waters, he found her, againnnnn.

There he sang, those words in his head. As he was sure he’ll find her in that same manner in her room. Time forgotten, and the luxury of relaxation exercised, while he would patiently and excruciatingly wait for her.

He swiped her room card over the door and entered her room, and as expected, her heard the faint hints of her singing from where he stood.

He made his way through the room and into the bath area.

“Good morning my sunshine, remove all grime and have a smile, let your dreams slip away, today is a brand new day. Morning sun and blue skies, soft wind breathes its morning sigh, the day is here for us to seize, good morning my parry. Good morning my parry.” she sang away in the bathtub.

No she does not have her parrot there with her, and yes she is still singing for him. It has become second nature to always sing songs about her parrot when she’s in an especially good mood.

This morning, she woke up just as the sun began to rise, and nothing is more therapeutic than that. Catching the rays, and smelling that salty ocean air. The recipe to start a beautiful day.

Her stomach grumbled, hunger calling for food. But first, she must relish in that ever so relaxing morning routine.

She started running the water in that gorgeous marble tub, and poured that nectarous flavored body wash as the tub filled.

While the tub filled she washed and flossed her teeth, tongue-scraped, and then mouth-washed.

The bubbles rose and so she undressed.

Turning off the tap, she slipped into the warm, fragrant water, and closed her eyes.

Nothing beats this.

It is but the definition of Heaven on Earth.

Soaking in the tub, she closed her eyes, and eventually began her routined singing. Words leaving from the top of her lungs in some moments.

Until she heard a chuckle at some point.

To which her heart almost jumped out of her body. Her eyes immediately shot open and she turned to look at the intruder, even though she had an idea who it may have been.

Nevertheless, it scared her. Well, more like he scared her.

“Oh My God! What are you doing here? And why are you already dressed at this ungodly hour?” she screamed out (Also, make fair note, it was 7 a.m., nothing ungodly about that time.)

To which he chuckled and responded, “I’m hungry.”

He was standing at the end of the walk-in closet, and just at the entrance of the bathroom, with his perfect hairstyle and freshly shaven face, and drool worthy casual clothes, teal eyes shining, all ready for a day at sea. What crazy ways he makes a girl’s heart thump and skip beats.

“Good God. Fine, I’ll hurry.” she rolled her eyes, “but be a kind gentleman and don’t sneak up on me like that again? Now leave. I must get ready!!”

He smiled and chuckled, “Whatever you wish Sleeping Beauty.”

He then turned to leave, but started whistling the same tune that she was singing as he walked to the seating area.

That made her roll her eyes and groan once again. Annoying ass.

She allowed the water to drain from the tub, then headed to the shower.

She quickly shaved her arm pits, then quickly lathered soap, used her favorite French shower oil, and once her skin was perfectly clean, she was finished with her shower.

After drying the water from her skin, she smothered body cream over her body, leaving it plump and well nourished, and spritzed some of her favorite perfume on her skin.

Next was skin care, and she decided to apply a face mask that morning. Even though she was hungry, she wasn’t going to sacrifice time to do skincare.

She applied this yummy smelling citrus mask, and decided to throw on some rollers on her hair in the mean time to add some volume.

When she finished adding the rollers, she saw that there was still 10 minutes remaining for her face mask.

Seeing that, she hung up her towel, and threw on her fluffy robe, and marched out into the living area to meet her friend with the teal colored eyes.

He was sitting on the sofa looking at the TV series “Big Bang Theory” which was a classic and their favorite series of all time.

When she walked in, he was laughing at a comment Sheldon made, but paused when his eyes saw her.

He eyebrows shifted upwards for a second and his pupils dilated momentarily, laughter and joy still in his eyes.

Before he could harass her about her appearance, she asked him if he wanted to do a face mask also.

To which he replied yes.

She held her precious container out to him but he shook his head and said, “No, I want you to do it.”

She jokingly rolled her eyes and walked to him, and kneeled on the sofa’s cushion next to him.

She smelled of citrus and cherry. Of breakfast and seduction.

God, he muttered under his breath as he stifled his groan, he must have really been hungry that morning and he just needed to get to breakfast to fill his stomach with food, and distract himself.

She layered the sticky, orange smelling paste over his face, avoiding the areas near his eyebrows, lips and hairline, and she seemed fully concentrated on the task at hand.

Meanwhile he seemed to be letting distractions dictate his head, so he decided to hold his breath.

“There,” she gently said as she finished pasting the mask on his face. She sat down on the sofa and placed the closed container of the face mask on the console table.

“Thank you,” he replied in his not-normal voice, and he quickly turned to look at the television once again.

None of them said a word again for those few moments. Quietly watching Sheldon have a ranting episode.

Until they heard a stomach growling.

“Ah ha!!! You’re starving too!! Why do you spend hours getting ready? I’m hungry. You’re hungry. Let’s go have food right now!” he almost shouted as he excitedly turned to her.

She sat back on the sofa, staring at him with those eyes, the ones that unnerved him, and he realized he messed up.

First, she’s now pissed off at him. Great. Since that was certainly his aim for that morning. And second, now she’ll take her precious time to get dressed.

Yes he knew, as she told him about a hundred times since they boarded the cruise, that they are on vacation, and they can take their time. But he was just excited for the events he had planned for the day, and he wanted to get breakfast out of the way as soon as possible.

He hoped he overthought everything, and that she wasn’t pissed off at him, as he quietly watched her get up and walk away from the sofa.

Ugh. Annoying idiot.

She did consider taking her precious time to prove the point she stands by: when on vacation, you do not need to rush, but simply bask in the essence of taking your time.

However, she really was too hungry to waste time, so as she walked into the bathroom, she immediately rinsed off her face mask, and began her skincare routine.

After pasting her sunscreen on her face, she saw him standing there, at the edge of the bathroom’s entryway, looking like a lost and hopeless puppy. And felt her heart give that special thump.

“No!!!!!” she thought to herself, “Stop thinking about it! You do not love him!”

She focused on completing the remainder of her routine until he cleared his throat and spoke up.

He watched her, like a creep, but obviously not, as she did her routine, and it was like observing magic, the way her beauty transformed a thousandfold, with her gracefulness and concentration.

He felt his neck starting to heat, as well as the tips of his ears. His throat felt like it was closing up on him, and he his heart started racing.

Christ! What was wrong with him? Was he having a medical problem right now? Seriously, his body needed to chill the f*** out.

He imagined how she probably saw him right now, as some gullible little wimp, with goop on his face, like a schoolboy who just got bullied.

He cleared his throat, and asked her, “When do I need to take this off?”

She turned to him and used her finger to gesture at him in a “come here” motion.

He obediently walked over to her, and as he got closer she strained her neck to observe his face, since he towered over her with his 6’5 frame.

“I think now is a good time to take it off. Give me a second.” she said as she turned to wet a face towel under the sink.

She turned to him and raised her eyebrows and compliantly, he slowly lowered his frame, but it was awkward for him. So he decided to gently sit on the countertop, and it was easier and more comfortable for both of them.

She lifted her hand to his face, and he held his breath, but then when he glanced at her eyes, it all came rushing out.

And he took a quick inhale, and he wished he hadn’t done that.

God how he could kiss her right now.

God how he wishes to hold her like if she were his woman right now.

God how he wished that she felt the same way about him.

He looked at her slender neck, the one he dreamed about, he looked at the shape of her lips, the ones that kept him up at night.

He really needed to stop.

He closed his eyes and willed himself to be a gentleman, as he allowed himself to bask in her presence, in her smell of citrus and cherry.

Too soon she was finished cleaning the goop from his face, and she told him to use her products to add sunscreen and moisturizer.

She then started applying her makeup, which he told her countless times she doesn’t need because she is an effortless beauty. But nevertheless, he enjoyed seeing the art she created.

They stood there in the bathroom, like a perfect couple in love, getting ready for their day.

He wished.

Good God.

She really couldn’t wait to get out of this room and finally be in an area where there were more people.

And now she was really starving.

She ignored him as she moved towards the walk-in closet, closing him in the bathroom, as she got her outfit for the day.

As she spritzed more of her favorite: “Electric Cherry” on herself, she took her earrings and bracelet into her hands and walked back into the bathroom fully dressed for the day at sea now.

She added her earrings, and turned to his relaxed figure leaning against the wall, phone in hand, and asked him: “Can you help me with this please. You know I could never get this bracelet to hook with my nails.”

He smiled that cheeky smile of his and walked to her, and she heard a deep intake of breath.

“What perfume is that?” her stunned ears heard.

She’s always worn that perfume, why was he asking now? Does he not like it? Or find it too much? She knew some people disliked certain perfumes.

“Why?” she questioned him with all the suspicion in her tone.

He sighed as he tried to hook her bracelet together.

“Because I like the smell.” he dared to say, “And it suits you.” he sneakily added.

He tried his best not to stare at her, but how could he look away when she’s wearing that sexy red dress, saying to everyone, “look at my beauty”?

It irritated him to all ends that he couldn’t express how much he loved this outfit on her, and the thought of other single males laying their eyes on her while she looked this beautiful? It’s probably best they just ordered breakfast in today.

“Ohhh…” she breathed out, “It’s Electric Cherry by Tom Ford. It is honestly so addictive. I can’t stop spraying it on me.” she laughed.

“Hmm…” he simply hummed in reply, meeting her eyes and smiling, so she’ll know he agrees with her. It was also suffice a reply so she won’t know the extent to which he agreed with her, and the other thoughts that ran through his head.

“Electric Cherry?” he thought in his head as he stared at those red painted lips he died to smear. That was now his new favorite scent in existence.

“Okay, so are you ready now Princess? I told you I need food!!.” he asked her as she removed the rollers from her hair.

She sighed as she finished fixing the strands in place and agreed with him, “Yesss, we can FINALLY get you your precious breakfast.”

His eyes lit up and she couldn’t help but laugh. She walked out of the bathroom, picking up her purse and shoes on the way in the wardrobe, and out into the bedroom.

She walked to the sofa and sat, so she can buckle her shoes.

But as expected, he kneeled in front of her like the proper gentleman he was, and he helped life her foot into the shoe, and then buckled it.

He lifted his head and laughed as he said to her, “I know you don’t want to ruin those precious nails of yours.”

She huffed and laughed her reply of thank you to him.

They then proceeded out of the room and finally into the Breakfast area, where they immediately, yet gracefully, rushed to fill their plates with their favorite breakfast foods.

They choose a seat near the large circular window, with the most perfect morning view of the sea and sky. The morning sun smiling at them.

She looked to him and sighed as she said, “Today is going to be a good day!!”

He looked up at her, his mouth red from eating a cherry, and winked as he smiled, saying, “It will be, Princess.”

That’s the tale of these two for now on this Disney cruise.

I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!!

Now I’ll share the exciting details of her gorgeous outfit!!!

The stunning piece of it all, THE RED DRESS

STAUD – Ellison Square Neck Dress

A magical piece we see in tales as old as time with significance that alters the very time. The SHOE.

CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN – So Jane Patent Red Sole Slingback Pumps – LECHE

A pouch perfect for a day on board a cruise ship. It’s monotonous, classic, and elegant.

BRUNELLO CUCINELLI – Monili Ruched Suede Crossbody Bag

Stunning sunnies is always a perfect complement with a vacation outfit.

CHANEL – Rectangle Sunglasses – Black

Simple and elegant drop earrings add sophistication to this outfit.

L KLEIN – Prisma 18K Gold Medium Crystal Quartz Drop Earrings

The perfect tool to use in a trick to get your crush to help you.

VAN CLEEF ARPELS – Vintage Alhambra Bracelet 5 Motifs

CHERRY! The perfect scent for seduction and fun. My Love of Perfumes of them all.

TOM FORD – Electric Cherry Eau de Parfum

Lipstick that costs almost too much to smear. But sometimes it is worth it right?

DIOR – Rough Premier 8

There you have my favorite outfit for a Day at Sea on a Disney Cruise.

My dream for this entire post took place in, in contrast to where you may think, in the Tangled Concierge Stateroom on the Disney WISH Cruise.

Thank you all for reading this post, and for reaching this far and we shall see how this story may progress later on, and I will see you all again on here soon!


Your Friend from New York,

Manhattan Girl🗽💋


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🗽Manhattan Girl Magazine🗽

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