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Vacation in Hawaii-Day 1 Pool Outfit.

Hello everyone and welcome back!!

Today we’re taking an imaginary and virtual trip to Hawaii.

I have always dreamt of going to Hawaii but I still haven’t been there yet. I’ve been day-dreaming of vacationing there for the Summer, so now we’re going to put my fantasies to paper, and write about it.

The resort I have in mind is: Aulani, A Disney Resort and Spa. We’re beginning Day 1 by having breakfast, and then moving towards the pool area to spend the day.

So now I’m crafting my outfit vision for that day.

A perfect showstopper to transition from breakfast to the pool. One of comfort and versatility.

LORO PIANO – Triangle Ring One-Piece Swimsuit

A stunner, a people stopper, the most beautiful piece to start the trip: A skirt so gorgeous people will envy you.

VERSACE – Under-The-Sea Wrap Skirt

Styling the shoe was tricky. The outfit called for the daintiness of a stiletto, yet the casualness of a sandal. But my gut screamed at me to style it with a Stuart Weitzman Platform. So I went with my gut, and styled it with these gorgeous Stuart Weitzman Platforms. Once you’re relaxing at the pool and decide to jump into the water, then we can bring out the classic Birkenstock sandal.

Stuart Weitzman Women’s Carmen Midi Platform Sandals

For a pool day a bag is just as important as your outfit. Similarly, the content inside your bag are just as important. You want to have enough space in your bag to store at minimum, your towel, sunscreen, extra pair of slippers, a swim-throw, and a pouch to store your jewelry if you so wish.

CHLOE x Mifuko Woody Large Basket Bag

A sparkling beauty. With blue that reflect the eyes of my love “The Man in the Black Suit who has wicked teal colored eyes.” This is classified as the precious cargo of your outfit. It is an absolute beauty and the blue just adds the perfect hint of contrast to your outfit to make it stand out.

Blue Topaz Link Bracelet in 14K Yellow Gold

What is a Pool Day without some sunnies? Here we have a classic, in a perfect Tortoise Brown to balance the outfit.

PRADA Rectangular Marble Acetate Cat -Eye Sunglasses

And there you have it, my ideal outfit to begin a Hawaiian Vacation in the ideal location. Blue gems that sparkle like the Pacific Ocean, paired with colors of Corals and Sand.

Bonus: Short Story (to help satisfy our day-dreaming needs).

Adorned in my finest vacation outfit, I quietly, yet rapidly move towards the escalator so that my neighbor won’t hear when I leave my room.

The elevators sure are taking their precious time even though it is 7:00 a.m., and we’re at a resort! Are all 6 elevators seriously occupied? Breakfast starts at 6:30 a.m. For Christ’s sake doesn’t anyone sleep in on vacation anymore?

I hear the screams and laughter of children already echoing the halls of the resort. *Ding* And here is my precious elevator.

As I enter the elevator I can’t help but smile as I think about my plans for the day which includes: Eating an enormous Breakfast, followed by an Ice Cold Pepsi at the bar (need my morning caffeine), and then a nice long day lounging near the pool. Especially since it’s sunny yet cool with chilly winds. My type of weather.

As the doors are about to shut close, a muscled arm that infuriates me on sight shoots its way through the doors.

“Morning!” He greets with his equally infuriating smile, as one of those teal colored eyes winks at me.

Ugh!!! I was really hoping I won’t have to run into him this early in the day. There goes my imaginary drawing of a beautiful sunny, yet chilly day. Now it’s all hot and humid, and gross. The type of weather I DESPISE. Not that I’m implying he’s hot!

I pretend I didn’t hear him as I look down at my phone, scrolling through my contacts list to call my mom (for the third time this morning).

“Beautiful.” I hear whispered.

I get even more angry and immediately press call on my phone. Blatantly lifting my phone to my ears and angrily stare at him so he knows I am ignoring him and not in the mood to entertain his theatrics today.

I am hoping my mom didn’t head to the shower yet and that she answers my call, so I won’t have to interact with a certain individual.

Also how long is this elevator ride going to take? Six thousand years? It keeps stopping on every floor, and people keep entering.

And this idiot keeps shifting closer and closer to me as the elevator progressively gets crowded. Luckily, another person ends up standing next to me for the rest of the way down the next 5 floors.

I could feel those angry teal eyes searing my very soul and I can’t wait to get out of this box.

As the doors open and everyone floods out, I can almost smell the CINNAMON and COFFEE in the salty air. And all my worries slip away, and only a smile remains.

*Ping* I get a text from my mom saying that she’s going to shower and she’ll call me when she’s finished.

I am STARVING and so I speedily walk with my platform heels towards the “Makahiki” restaurant and head straight to my precious oatmeal station, immediately filling my bowl with as much porridge as it can hold, and loading it with cinnamon and some brown sugar.

Next I shamelessly move to get my omelet (add ins: cheese, onion, ham, green pepper), and croissant. And how can I not take a Mickey shaped Waffle at a Disney resort?

I carefully maneuver my way through running toddlers and crouched rushing parents, with plate and bowl in my hands, and find a seat in the outdoor area.

I unravel my napkin to reveal the utensils, and as I prepare to devour my meal, there he comes, and rudely puts his food on MY table, and sits across from me. And there my frown naturally forms.

Seriously, can’t he use all his CIA training to read someone’s face and know when they want you to “stay away!?”

Sitting opposite me, with the most nonchalant mood, is one of best friends who is actually the most idiotic of them all.

For those of you wondering why I am angry at him: Last Wednesday, THIS IDIOT rudely barged into my lab while I was painstakingly doing my dilutions for the umpteenth time for my research, on a day when everything seemed to go wrong, and scared me, such that I messed up that section of my experiment. I take special pride in my lab work, and for it to get messed up by someone? Intentionally or not? I take that very personally. Adding to my anger, he barged into my lab to grill me about a dinner I went to with some old friends from undergrad.

Even though he knew that he messed up, he didn’t apologize until THREE DAYS later, which was 2 days before we left for Hawaii! What an absolute bastard!

And that just made our trip to Hawaii (which I would NEVER cancel) all the more infuriating because I still didn’t forgive him.

And now he’s trying to make up for his foolish behavior.

But my hormones and I are determined to remain in our state of anger.

So even as he chirpily speaks about the Disney characters that pass us by, and takes photos with them, I continue to ignore his presence to my best abilities.

My mom FaceTimes me while I’m getting fruits, and as I return to my seat and he realizes that I’m on the phone with her. He moves to my side, invading my personal space, and starts a conversation with my mom, until she ends the call to go about her day.

When the call ended I expected him to return to his seat, but instead he remains comfortably seated near me, his hand on the back of my chair, sipping on his coffee. I even catch him playing with some of the stray ends I left sticking out in my updo.

“Nice perfume,” he comments in that deep, husky voice.

And that’s when I push away from him as far as I politely can in the busy restaurant. To which he laughs, and resumes drinking his coffee.

Breakfast couldn’t be over soon enough. But I would not rush just because of him. Instead I purposely take my time since I know he’s completed his meal. But that’s when he dares to steal fruit from my plate!!

Quickly, finishing my breakfast, I make a plan on how I’ll go about my day.

The first thing I need to do however, is to throw him off my way, so he won’t follow me the entire day.

I return to my room to grab my pool bag, and it’s safe to say I made the trip back down to the main area downstairs without him following me.

And now I can start my adventure.

The first thing I do is explore the resort, so I can decide which pool I want to spend my time at.

I decided the “Waikolohe Pool” was where I would spend my day. And so I set up camp at one of the pool lounge chairs.

As I remove my precious platforms and slide them under the chair, I decide I should remove my skirt so I can apply sunscreen.

Applying sunscreen on your back by yourself is always awkward to do in public for some reason. It feels like you’re exposing yourself to everyone when you’re not.

I throw on my sunnies and recline in my seat, not yet ready to swim, enjoying the smell of the salty sea air, mixed with the smell of chlorine from the pool.

Reading one of the latest books to my collection: “Otherlands”, I start to delve into the Earth about 225 Million Years Ago, during the Jurassic Era in Kyrgyzstan.

But then I feel a 6’5 presence standing near my side, creating a shadow over me, with his hands on his hips, 8 slabs of stacked abs all on display and a gorgeous silver Audermars Piguet adorning his left wrist, looking mildly upset.

“When will you stop your childish avoidance and actually talk to me?” He dares to ask, to which I defiantly shrug and return to Kyrgyzstan.

Annoyingly, he pulls a lounge chair close to mine, and he sets up his camp near me.



This child is going to avoid his ass even more.

But when muscles ripple as he uses my sunscreen (which he stole) to coat his skin, avoidance is hanging on by actin filaments.

Later when my stomach grumbles for lunch, he turns sweetly to me and says: “Truce for lunch, Sleeping Beauty?”

He got off the hook as my hunger outweighed my jilted fury at his nickname for me, and I walked with the man with wicked teal colored eyes, to the restaurant “Off The Hook.”

What a way to end the story of Day 1 with the man with wicked teal colored eyes!

We shall see how the story progresses later on, and how these two shall go about their story.

But for now, thank you all for reading this post and reaching this far.

I will most certainly see you all again soon!

With enormous love,

Your Friend from New York,

Manhattan Girl 🗽💋


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🗽Manhattan Girl Magazine🗽

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